Trench Crusade Miniatures and Models

Here to serve all your Trench Crusade Miniatures and model gaming needs.  We offer:  

  • Professionally Painted Models
  • Trench Crusade Miniatures Printing Service
  • Trench Crusade STL Files
  • New Trench Crusade Warbands 
  • Trench Crusade Terrain

We are in the process of professionally painting the entire miniature line of models.  Email us at to inquire about commission painted factions, warbands, or individual models you are interested in.

We offer a 3D resin printing service for all miniatures as well.  If you own the STL license you can send to us for commission printing of any miniatures.  As of now this is the legal way to get official Trench Crusade miniatures created by Factory Fortress.  However, as the game encourages proxies, kit bashing, and using any models you may find.  We will have models available for sale that we have created, or we have a commercial license to print and sell from the creator.  You can email us at: to inquiry about projects you're interested in.

In addition we are working on our very own Warband that we will have on Kickstarter soon.  Click here to see our progress and check back often.

Trench Crusade Miniatures and Models: The Game

Trench Crusade is a skirmish-scale tabletop miniatures game that will plunge players deep into a horrifying alternate timeline. During the Crusades a heretical band of Templars dared defy the Almighty and, casting aside their sacred vows, unleashed the forces of Hell upon the Earth. Over 800 years later, in the Year of Our Lord 1914, this brutal, merciless war between the forces of Heaven and Hell rages on. This is not just a fight for survival, but a cataclysmic struggle that will decide the very fate of humanity's soul.

“ Long ago, during the first crusade, a heretical band of templars dared defy the Almighty. Casting aside their sacred vows, they opened a gate of Hell at the very heart of Jerusalem. Out poured the Legions of the Damned, and the world burned. ”

This is hell on earth.

This is...

TC Logo
TC Trench and Graves

Trench Crusade is a tabletop wargame set in a blasphemously alternate WW1 era.

Trench Crusade is created by artist Mike Franchina (Diablo 2r/3/4, Path of Exile 2, Magic: The Gathering) with rules by acclaimed game designer Tuomas Pirinen (Mordheim, Warhammer 6th edition) and brought to life by James Sherriff (28 mag, Ian Miller's Grim Tarock) and some of the greatest creative talents in wargaming.


You use trench crusade miniatures to fight battles on a tabletop.

Players take command of the forces of heaven and hell, leading skirmish size warbands in daring assaults and devious counter operations on the fringes of the meat grinder that is the frontline.

For each of the 6 factions you’ll be able to select from a roster of mortal and immortal troops, as well as truly “blessed” beings that fall somewhere in between.

Trench Crusade Rulebook

The Living Rulebook

Trench Crusade's core rules, faction rules and main campaign will always be available for free online.

<< Check out the rules here <<

Trench Crusade Lore

TC Lore Pic

During the First Crusade, the armies of the Church captured the Holy City. Under the most holy of temples, the Knights Templar discovered secret vaults and, within them, an ancient demonic artefact. The Templars, blinded by greed and with weakness in their hearts, fell to their knees. They had found a new lord.

Seeing the unholy wisdom of which the artefact spoke, they began trafficking with devils and committing all manner of unspeakable rites. This was the First Heresy. The armies of the Church retreated and Jerusalem became a depraved pit where Hell and our mortal plane now bled into one.

For eight centuries the Church has waged its crusade to take back the Holy City. The landscape has been utterly devastated, criss-crossed with thousands of miles of mud, trenches and craters. The crusade is now waged with armies wielding terrifying weaponry, and both sides conjure up supernatural beings of such immense power they are nigh unstoppable. Even with such incalculable might, the armies are at a stalemate.

This is the Trench Crusade.

1099 – First Crusade captures Jerusalem. The Knights Templar commit the Act of Ultimate Heresy. The Gateof Hell is opened on Earth and Jerusalem is destroyed in the cataclysm.

1101 – The Year of Three Battles. Heretics, reinforced by the armies of the Third Circle of Hell, conquer most of the Levant.

1102 – The ancient city of Antioch is fortified and becomes the focal point of resistance against the forces of Hell.

1106 – Cobar becomes the First Tyrant of the Sixty-six.

1109 – The Great Sultanate of the Invincible Iron Wall of the Two Horns That Pierce the Sky is formed. In the coming decades it unifies the Islamic factions. The Great Iron Wall of Iskandar re-emerges and is fortified against the Heretics.

1117 – The legendary Seventeen Martyrs travel to the Earthly Domains of Hell to convert the Heretics. Captured, tortured and kept in a perpetual state of agony, they remain trapped within white-hot Brazen Bulls to this day.

1165 – The Old Man in the Mountain and his Hashashins defend the mountain fortress of Alamut. The castle stands to this very day, despite being besieged for hundreds of years.

1215-1306 – The Wars of Triclavianism. The Church is split and fights a fierce internal conflict. Heretic domains extend as the faithful fight against each other. Millions perish by sword and fire.

1346-1353 – Beelzebub unleashes the Black Grail. Tens of millions are infected, becoming metastatic vessels in the worst plague in the history of mankind. The Corpse Wars begin.

1429 – Living Saint Jeanne d’Arc drives the Black Grail from mainland Europe.

1477 – The City of Argos is taken by God and it is no more.

1503 – War Prophet Angelos, guided by St. Elegius, discovers the formula of Orichalcum Steel. Though extremely costly to produce, the metal proves to be effective against all missile weapons and is still used to this day.

1545 – Antioch destroyed utterly by a mysterious infernal weapon.

1573 – Sacred Order of the Dragon halts the heretic advance after the destruction of Byzantium. A million heretics impaled in the hills of Wallachia.

1595 – Walls of New Antioch completed.

1670 – The Year of Six Woes. In a surprise raid, the newly created Heretic fleet captures Gibraltar. The sea fortress becomes the Heretic base of operations against Europe. Forces of Hell gain access to the Atlantic.

1703 – Against all odds, a small force of Hebrew Knights striking from their secret fortress destroy the Templar stronghold at Acre.

1805 – Due to the constant coastal raids by the Heretic Fleet the Crown of England begins the construction of the Fortress of the White Cliffs.

1866 – In the utmost secrecy Heretic scientists, aided by the Demon Marbas, construct the first modern submarines.

1894 – The Year of Broken Trinity. The Death Commandos simultaneously assassinate the Supreme Pontiff, the High Prophetess Aelia and the Holy Roman Emperor. The faithful are thrown into turmoil. The Heretic Legions, commanded by Hell’s nobles of the Seventh Circle and a huge vanguard of tanks launch a simultaneous lightning offensive in the Levant and Europe.

1899 – Church Space Program commences.

1907 – The construction of the moving fortress of Britannia is completed.

1910 – Battle of Cordoba. A Bloody stalemate. Heretic artillery devastates the ancient city, but the Heretic forces fail to gain access to the heartlands of Hispania.

1914 – The present day. Both sides are preparing for major offensive operations. In the huge swathes of No Man’s Land furious skirmishes and raids increase in intensity as the faithful and heretics vie for information, powerful relics and securing strategically important positions.