Trench Crusade New Antioch

New Antioch Warband

Here are the miniatures available for Trench Crusade New Antioch.  Warband USD 45.00

For three hundred years the Principality of New Antioch has stood defiantly as the focal point of the Faithful at the very edge of the shadow cast by the Gate of Hell. It is the Home of All Our Hopes, the bulwark against Heretic forces and the first line of defense against the devil’s might.

The warband box is the perfect start to your New Antioch force and includes physical resin miniatures (you must own the STL files):

Lieutenant Sniper Priest

Heavy Mechanised Infantry with MG

Combat Engineer

4 Yeomen.

Order Your Trench Crusade new antioch miniatures Here: or

New Antioch Reinforcements

Trench Crusade New Antioch Reinforcements.

USD 71.00

Reinforcements for your New Antioch collection.

Includes physical resin miniatures (you must own STL Files):

Sniper Priest with MG,

Trench Cleric,

Heavy Mechanised Infantry with Hammer & Shield.

Heavy Mechanised Infantry with polearm,

4 x Shocktroopers,

We are proud supporters of Factory Fortress Inc. and My Mini Factory where you can buy the STL files if you need them.

Click here for STL Files for New Antioch

Click here for STL Files for all Trench Crusade Factions


You can find the rules, lore, and lots of resources for Trench Crusade Heretic Legion at the official

Trench Crusade new antioch lore

War has never left this corner of the world. The ancient city of Antioch was destroyed by a mysterious demonic weapon in the year 1545, but the Faithful never gave up their positions in the ruins. Despite the lethal demonic essence emanating from the crater that was left behind, the garrison held on, even as mighty Constantinople fell to the legions of Kimaris, Marquis of Hell.

Before it was destroyed, the ancient city of Antioch was always the first line of defence to be put to test. Thus it is no wonder that in the year 1559 the Sword Congress of Vienna agreed to rebuild and fortify the city, and that a yearly tithe is to be sent to New Antioch by all the Faithful nations, though this levy is rarely in the form of coin. Instead, endless supply trains of foodstuffs, tools, ammunition, weaponry, machinery and skilled workers and engineers come from across Europa and the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the African dominions.

Keeping the supply routes open is a constant game of cat and mouse, as Heretic infiltrators and raiders harry the caravans and ships that allow the Principality to exist to this day.

Since those days New Antioch has grown to be the most important fortress-city in the world, the Sword and the Shield of Europa and Africa. All the princes of the Church and heads of the various states and domains who oppose Hell understand that it is better to fight their battles against the Heretics away from their heartlands. To this day New Antioch has withstood eight great sieges and its famed walls, with their seventy-seven mighty towers, have never been breached. This is partly due to hundreds of anchorites, metallic battle shrines with devoted entombed within them, that are embedded into the walls, keeping a vigilant watch day and night.

More than anything else, it is the volunteers who come to serve under the Banner of Christ that ensure the continuous existence of the Principality. Thus in the streets of the city one can hear hundreds of languages and dialects. One might observe hussars of the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth brushing shoulders with the last remnants of the Varangian Guard or hear the sermons of a street preacher from Eire extolling the soldiery of Ethiopia to lay down their lives for the cause. Perhaps they might even witness the Church Engineers procession taking their latest invention to be tested on the front lines.

T his all happens under the watchful eyes of the Office of the Propagation of Virtue that tirelessly patrol the streets. While they are quite happy to turn a blind eye to the revelries of soldiers, they ferociously persecute even the slightest deviation from Church doctrine. The execution of heretics is a weekly spectacle that draws immense crowds.

Factories spew black smoke as newly constructed tanks roll out of the workshops. Foundries burn white-hot day and night in order to keep the artillery battalions, the pride and joy of New Antioch, at full strength. In the techno-laboratories of the city the Church toils away in creating the superhuman Communicants empowered by the cloned flesh and blood of the Redeemer. Thousands of workers give their lives in horrific accidents and overwork each year, and great statues celebrating their sacrifices stand around the city.

Despite all these preparations, it is a grim reality that New Antioch could never withstand the full onslaught of the combined Heretic forces. It is only thanks to the ferocious and bloody internal conflict amongst the  devils that has allowed the Principality to stand to this day. The Archdevils and Princes of Hell bicker and plot against each other, and only rarely does one of them gain supremacy for long enough to mount a full-scale invasion. Even though the war has stretched for centuries with decades of nervous lull between great battles, the Rulers of Hell are immortal, and to them the war has barely even started. They are beings that have existed before there was time and wish to savour the agony of the mortals who die in their millions. And thus the Great War rages on, sometimes with long years of silence followed by sudden, ferocious assaults.

As the nominal supreme commander of all the Faithful armed forces, the Duke of New Antioch is a title of unrivalled prestige and honour. But, despite swearing fealty to the Duke, in reality troops who come to do battle against Hell, from across all of Christendom, operate in units of their own, taking commands from their own leaders. It is worth noting that some soldiers renounce their citizenship and take up the cross and come to serve under Duke Constantine alone. Thus the standing army of the Principality is the greatest single f ighting force the Faithful can muster, and those who serve on the walls of the Home of Hopes are rightfully proud of their livery.