Trench Crusade Iron Sultanate

Iron Sultanate Reinforcements

Here are the miniatures available for Trench Crusade Iron Sultanate.

WarbandUSD 45.00

Beyond the Invincible Iron Wall of Al-Quraysh lies the last and the greatest Sultanate of the Faithful the world has ever seen. Here the lost knowledge flourishes and, from mosques of white marble and gold, the muezzin call the faithful to pray for the success of the Sultan’s army as it struggles to protect the lands within the wall, and defend the caravan trails that provide the Sultanate with vital supplies.

The warband box is the perfect start to your Trench Crusade Iron Sultanate force and includes resin miniatures (you must own the STL files):

Yubazi Captain

Jabirean Alchemist


Lion of Jabir

4 Azebs.

Order Your Trench Crusade iron sultanate miniatures Here: or

Iron Sultanate Reinforcements

Trench Crusade Iron Sultanate Reinforcements.

USD 81.00

Reinforcements for your Iron Sultanate collection.

Includes resin miniatures (you must own the STL files):

Brazen Bull

Lion of Jabir (Stalking)


4 Janissaries

We are proud supporters of Factory Fortress Inc. and My Mini Factory where you can buy the STL files if you need them.

Click here for STL Files for Iron Sultanate

Click here for STL Files for all Trench Crusade Factions


W hen the Infidels opened the thrice cursed Gate to Jahannam, releasing the Gog and Magog upon those who believe, it seemed that all was lost and Shaitan would emerge victorious over Dunya. But the Creator of the Universe came to the aid of the Faithful, and as had been written, the great Iron Wall of Dhu al-Qarnayn manifested itself in the lands ruled by the Sultan of Rûm. A call was sent to those who believe righteously, and over the coming decades the migration of all the Faithful, second in importance only to the Hijrah of the Prophet himself, took place across Europa, Asia and Africa. Millions perished on the road and at the sea, for the Heretics and their Shaytan lords swarmed them as locusts swarm fields of ripe sesame, devouring them and building vile monuments and statues from their limbs and heads, so they could not be buried as is decreed in the Holy texts. But once all those who survived the journey had come, the mighty Gates of al-Qarnayn were closed, and the Great Sultanate of the Invincible Iron Wall of the Two Horns that pierce the Sky was formed.

You can find the rules, lore, and lots of resources for Trench Crusade Iron Sultanate at the official website:

Trench Crusade iron sultanate lore

T he assaults of the slaves of Jahannam against the Sultanate have never ceased since that day, and each day new martyrs are mourned as they defend the Wall and confront the Heretics who have overcome its defences. But within the walls, the lost knowledge flourishes and from mosques of white marble and gold the muezzin call the faithful to pray for the success of the Sultan’s army as it struggles to protect the lands within the wall, and defend the caravan trails that provide the Sultanate with vital trade goods.

T he iron wall is the greatest defensive work in the world, a mighty bulwark festooned with the famed artillery of the Sultan. Azeb sharpshooters stand at ready, ever watchful for surprise attacks, and the elite Janissary regiments have barracks at set intervals near the wall so they can react to any attack at speed. During a more serious incursion a full muster of Azebs is called, the  House of Wisdom unleashes its terrifying takwin creations upon the foe, and if the need is desperate the Sultan himself comes forth and his Janissaries march with him to do battle, carrying the green flag of the Prophet before them.

T hus the protection of the Iron Wall has had an extensive influence on the Sultanate Way of war. The conscripted Azebs are experts at feigned flight and skirmish, while the loping Lions of Jabir harass the enemy flanks. All the while the superb artillery of the Sultan bombards the enemy as they make their tortuous journey across the battlefield littered with traps set by the skilled Sappers. When they reach the ranks of the faithful, the Janissaries, Sultan’s elite household troops, close in and f inish the enemy with their devastating counter charge led by their Iron-willed officers. Dreaded Assassins from Alamut prowl in the winds of time, striking the enemy elites and leaders, while the Alchemists of the House of Wisdom unleash devastating weapons made deadly by their elemental mastery, capable of overcoming defences of virtually any foe.

Beyond the Iron Wall forces of the Sultan operate in small, mobile companies, each with a particular mission to accomplish. They hunt down apostates that have gone to serve Shaytans, look for the relics from the time of the Prophets, or seek to recover lost treasures and books of knowledge from the ruins of the fallen Caliphates. T hough an understanding between the Church and the Sultanate on being co-belligerents against Jahannam exists, the commanders of these expeditions will tolerate no interference and do not hesitate to crush those who would hinder their mission. Resentment against the infidels who unleashed Gog and Magog runs deep in the Sultanate, and matters of honour are swiftly resolved with duels to the death. Woe to those who dare to hinder the mission of Those Who Believe.

“In the name of Allah, the Compassionating, the Compassionate! Praise be to Allah, The Beneficent King, The Creator of the Universe, Lord of the Three Worlds, Who set up The Firmament without Pillars in its Stead and Who stretched out the Earth even as a Bed; and Grace, and Prayer - Blessing be upon Our Lord Mohammed, Lord of Apostolic Men, and upon His Family and Companion-Train; Prayer and Blessings Enduring and Grace Which unto The Day of Doom shall Remain!”

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