Trench Pilgrims castigator

Trench Pilgrims Castigator Store

Trench Pilgrims Castigator.

USD $10

Tasked with instilling the Fear of God in the pilgrims under their charge, this orthodoxy officer keeps soldiers on the path of righteousness and punishes those who transgress. They are protected by their unwavering faith and decorate their person with signs and icons of the saints they revere.

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Tasked with instilling the Fear of God in the troops, this orthodoxy officer keeps the soldiers on the path of righteousness and punishes those who transgress. They are protected by their unwavering faith as well as by the saints they revere.

If you need the STL Files for the Click right here: Trench Pilgrims Castigator

Trench Pilgrims Castigator

Trench pilgrims castigator

Click Here for Official Trench Crusade Website with current rules.

Sample Trench Pilgrims Castigator Rules below:

0-1  (Cost: 50 Ducats)

Name                   Movement       Ranged         Melee           Armour           Base

Castigator             6”/Infantry     +1 Dice       +1 Dice               0                32mm


T he Castigator can be equipped with any weapon, armour and equipment from the Trench Pilgrims Equipment List.

Abilities ;

Enforced Orthodoxy: At any point during its Activation, a Castigator may take a RISKY ACTION with +1 DICE. If successful, all friendly models that are Down and within 8” of the Castigator may immediately stand up at no penalty or cost.

Whip of God: Unlike other models, a Castigator is allowed to attack friendly models with melee attacks within 1”. They can do this without declaring a charge. Each time the Castigator takes a friendly model Out of Action with a melee attack, set a die aside in a pool as the act of piety inspires the troops. The next time your warband makes a Morale roll, add an amount of +DICE to that roll equal to the amount of dice in the pool and empty it.

Zealot Strength: The Castigator may have the Keyword STRONG at the cost of +5 ducats.

“And in the hour of wrath, the heavens wept blood, for the swords of the wicked descended upon the innocent, their cries unheard and their souls lost in the abyss.”- Book of Lamentations 3:1

Lore & History

Consumed by harrowing visions of the end times, the War-Prophet is a harbinger of ruin. Their fanatical sermons and ominous prophecies, blasted from shoulder-mounted speakers, inspire their followers through fear and promises of salvation. The War-Prophet leads the faithful Trench Pilgrims on a death-march through blood-soaked landscapes, a path of destruction whose ultimate goal is martyrdom through glorious death.

A s the war rages against the minions of Hell, strange visions torment the faithful across the globe. Men and women touched by Heaven are granted visions and Revelations are made by the messengers of God. Sisters of the Holy Orders are marked by Stigmata and take up the sword and the cross as instructed by angels. Those who have transgressed seek to atone for their sins by taking as many followers of the Devil with them to the afterlife.

So they come, the mad and the maimed, the God touched and the guilt-ridden – all gathering around Prophets and Prophetesses, forming Trench Pilgrim Processions. These disorganised groups arm themselves and follow the prophets of the Lord unto the front lines. They fight with unrivalled zeal, hurling themselves against the Heretics, arming themselves with anything they can get their hands on from the oldest muskets to scourges and Molotov Cocktails.

Pilgrims are not officially sanctioned by the Holy See of New Antioch, but the Church still blesses the crusades of the faithful. Thus the Pilgrim Processions are a common sight on the battlefields, often crossing No Man’s Land in suicidal assaults upon the Heretics, directed by the visions of their Prophets and Prophetesses who lead them, urged on by the whips of Castigators who are charged with instilling the Fear of God in their troops.

The bulk of the Pilgrims are men and women with little military training, but when they don the Iron Capirote of a Trench Pilgrim, they can face even a demon from the deepest Bolgias of Hell unflinchingly. Nor is death necessarily an end to their mission: sometimes the Seventh Meta-Christ will deem a fallen pilgrim worthy and bring them back as Martyr Penitents: warriors half-way between Heaven and Earth, able to fight once more and feel no pain from bullet or bayonet thrust.

........find all the lore on Trench Crusades official website